The BEST Alumni in Barcelona will meet next December 21st for an Improfighters+drink

Meeting point: Teatreneu (C/Terol 26), Friday 21st 22:00 for theatre+drink or 24:00 just for drink.

Details about Improfighters:
· Improfighters:
· Incredibly funny
· It's in Spanish, but not too complicated to understand.
· Friday 21st, 22:30-24:00
· After that, we will have a drink in some bar in Gràcia.

So yes, the "tradition" of the BEST Alumni living in Barcelona was inaugurated yesterday 21st of november in the restaurant "himali" where we had a nepali dinner - with very sofisticated dishes :)

Info about the restaurant: - and thanks go again to Irene for organising this dinner :)

11 ex-BESTies gathered for a pleasant dinner or just some drinks - we hope to make these meetings regular and that more people can show up next time :)

Btw, anyone willing to write/share pictures/whatever, let me know and i'll add you to the list of publishers!

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