Per problemes tècnics, els alumnis aquest mes hem retardat la trobada.

Per no fallar al número sagrat (el 21) hem buscat el millor compromís...així que ens trobarem el dia 12 de desembre!

El pla és:

20:30: Sopar a la Creperia del Raval, Can Guixot (Creperia / Bocates de luxe a molt bon preu)
+ Fer un Mojito (o 3 o 4) a algún lloc del Raval

Organitza el Xavilanes, així que a qui no li agradi....q se les vegi amb ell!

Detrás del mercado de la Boqueria hay un restaurante de nombre Ra con una
terracita fantástica para el verano. Os propongo aprovechar que todavía
hace buen tiempo y hacer una cenita temprana (9 o'clock) para después,
quién se anime y si está abierto, terminar con una copichuela/mojito en el
Rita Blue, que está unos metros más abajo, en la plaça de St. Agustí, que
es la mar de chula :-)

Bar & Terraza Ra
Plaça de la Gardunya 3
Tienen una web en con mucha información, fotos y
detallitos :-)

Rita Blue
Plaça Sant Agustí 3

¿Quién se apunta? ¡Se abre el periodo de reservas! (que cerraremos el
domingo a medianoche :-)


Where? Gràcia (bcn) - fontana
When? August 21st, around 22h
Who? BEST Alumni in Barcelona + any BESTie who is around and wants to join us!

If you want to join us, please contact us via barcelona-alumni@BEST
If you have never been to a correfoc yet, you cannot miss it - it's something really crazy and nice :)

---------------/ ------------------------------
Aprofitant que el 21 és el dia de cloenda de les festes de Gràcia, els alumnis hi anem a viure la festa una mica (malgrat que sóm conscients de que divendres estaràn els pobres decorats més trillats...)

El correfoc, i el castell de focs al final del mateix són la traca final (amb permís dels castells que faran dissabte es clar), i no ens ho volem perdre.

El correfoc surt de la plaça Trilla, passa per les places del Nord, Diamant, Sol i acaba a la Plaça de la Vila. Per tal de trobar menys gent, la idea és quedar entra la plaça del Nord i la del diamant, ja que més avall estarà "abarrotao" .

Qui s'apunti que avisi i ja acabarem de concretar!!
Després, fiestuki amb alguna orquestrilla ...i algún mojito caurà!!

Hi everyone!

If any BESTie comes to Barcelona this week, don't miss the Festes de Gràcia!

According to Lonely Planet "Of all Barcelona’s summer barri street parties, Gràcia’s is the biggest, noisiest and longest (taking place over about nine days). More than a dozen streets in Gràcia are decorated by their inhabitants as part of a competition for the most imaginative street. People pour in to listen to bands in the streets and squares, fuel on snacks and drink at countless street stands."

Really, even we barcelonins love it! It's not just for tourists as many other things that you will find here in summer...

And of course...if you are here, let us know!

It's holiday season - well, we know that for BEST alumni as for BESTies any month is good for travelling - but ok, most people do that in summer!!

Via some alumni of BEST, we discovered tripit
It's a really cool application that allows you to keep the info of all your bookings together - plus it tells you which of your friends is/will be around you during your trips - or who will be visiting you.

It can be integrated in Linkedin, so you can easily track many of your contacts - you'll be surprised to discovered how many of your friends are already using it.

To register a trip, you just forward your confirmation email of the flight, hotel, car, ... - booking, and it puts all the information nicely. It even sends you a reminder few days before so you don't forget to prepare your suitcase!!

Wanna join us on tripit?

On july 24th, some of the Alumni in Barcelona attended the Pecha-Kucha event vol 6. in Barcelona.

We enjoyed it a lot - if you still don't know, a friend of ours made a nice report about it in this post in his webpage, which we also recomend if you're interested in renewable energies, sustainability, ecodesign...

Next edition will probably take place in november!! Will you join us??


Para este 21 propongo un restaurante que se llama Movie Restaurant (

Es un restaurante temático, ambientado con cosas de películas y música. El menú de grupos que sugiero cuesta 18 € y os lo pongo adjunto para que lo veais.

Los datos de la convocatoria son:

* Lugar: Movie restaurant. Roger de Llúria 50, Barcelona
* Día y hora: Martes 21/7/09 a las 21:00

Hi everyone!

These days, the neighbourhoods in Barcelona (as all the towns in Spain) are celebrating their "Festes Majors".

I would like to recommend you the one in Poble Sec. This neighbourhood is a bit hidden, up-hill in Montjuïc mountain, but it's a real MUST is you want to see something else outside the touristic tour.

Between July 18th and 26th, there will be concerts, activities for the children, sport competitions, exhibitions...and even a special beer for "les festes".

If you come to Barcelona, let us know!

Dear visitor -

We're going for a hike in the surroundings of Barcelona - if you'll be in the city and feel like joining, don't hesitate and drop us an email! :)

More detailed info below in spanish (if you are thinking of showing up, contact Anna for more info)


El próximo 21 es domingo, y como no, toca actividad alumnil!!
Mi idea es hacer una pequeña excursion + picnic cerca de barcelona.
No sé si os gusta / apetece el tema, así que de momento yo lo propongo y según la respuesta q deis hacemos esto o otra cosa...

La excursión en la que habia pensado es ir a Sant Cugat desde el "Parc del Laberint"
Es una salida facil, de 2h30 (o un poco más) , se acaba en Sant Cugat desde donde se puede volver en ferrocarril - o a pie!

La idea seria ir no demasiado tarde porque sino hace calor, y comer algo por Sant Medir o en Sant Cugat si preferís. Podríamos llevar algo tipo picnic y ya está.

Os dejo aquí debajo la ficha técnica, para que veais que no miento y que es una salida facil :)

Ja direu!


Dificultat Mitjana - Facil

Km 9,770 km.

Duració 2’39 h

Terreny Camins, pistes en bon estat i corriols visibles i nets


Aproximacio Anada: metro línia 3. Parada: Mundet

Tornada: FGC S5 (Pl. Cat.)

Llocs d’Interés Forn Ibèric, Ermites Sant Medir i Sant Adjutori

Guess what :)

We have a little quizz for you...

We put together ...alumnis from LBGs
7 x barcelona
1 x lodz/eindhoven
1 x uppsala
1 x madrid
1 x almada
4 x Grenoble
1 x Brussels
and 1 x LBG Lulea/Vienna arriving late...

mix a bit...
....and what do you have??

our alumni meeting for this month!! cool, isnt' it?
wanna join us for the next one? will we get more different LBGs? that's our challenge!! spread the word, BCN, 21st - YOU ARE MISSING :)

Thanks to katy and irene for organising it!! The food was great and the ppl even better!

In the heart of Gracia there is one of those little jewels that one might miss if not told about: the Miriot restaurant.

And there is where we are going next week for our monthly BEST BCN Alumni Meeting!

Located close to Rius i Taulet square, this recently renovated Brazilian restaurant combines Brazilian and Mediterranean cuisine.

Miria Santos the Chef and owner, studied at the Hofmann school (, so you will not be disappointed, generous portions of creative dishes at very reasonable prices.We have "negotiated" a menu for 20 EUR/person including three courses, water and wine (Dani don't worry, the dessert will be something with chocolate).

If you have any food allergies (or are vegetarian) just drop us an email and we will arrange something special for you!!

We really really want to see many people coming to next week's dinner, specially all of you that have missed other monthly dinners...don't think it twice (and call all your fellow Alumnis too!).

Practicalities :

date: Thursday May 21st 21:30 (sharp)

who: Barcelona alumni & couples & babies & ...

where: restaurante Miriot c/ francesc giner,54 (Gracia, molt a prop de pza rius i taulet, Fontana/ Verdager/Diagonal)

what if I am interested (of course you are!): write an email to barcelona-alumni@best before Sunday 17th 22:00 !!

Nos vemos el jueves de la semana que viene,muac muac,Katy (LBG Brussels) & Irene (LBG Madrid)


Maybe you have noticed---we included a calendar in the blog!
We intend to add in this calendar not only the 21st activities planning, but also other visits/activities proposed by any alumni in the city.

In this way we can easily share what is going on in the city - and improve the activities we do in our free time :)

So we also hope you contribute with your ideas, inside-infos about events, etc!

Ei, we've changed the blog template again :)
We hope you like it!

(Anna & Aurora)

The history team is proud to present the History of BEST application!

It is fresh, new, with lots of exciting things to discover/remember about BEST. You only have to click here (you need to have a username in Private Area)and enter the amazing life of our family: BEST !!

And don't forget, the History Book it's on it's way and soon it will be in your hands for your delight!

Book your agendas for May 20th!

The 5th Pecha Kucha Night will take place next May 20th in the Palau de Congressos (Av. Diagonal 661-671).

I propose Japanese for this 21st, and not any Japanese....a real one!!!

  • Restaurant Wasabi
  • C\ Torrent de l-Olla 8 (Metro Diagonal)
  • 21st April 2009, 21 h
¿Quién se apunta? We will explain all the stories of this meeting!


Today, we got news from BEST Alumni. A blog for the global Alumni community is just born.
Visit it at

From our side, we'll try to contribute from time to time - and are expecting other alumni to share their ideas on how to keep the spirit alive and about anything they want to share!

Blogging is growing, we believe this is a good way to share and communitate easily!! We will try to improve our posting rate, and we hope to get more and more readers and contributers!


I hope you like the new template....

If you have any suggestion or comment, just let me know.



Por ellos que no podrian venir y por ellos que venian: Los fotos del
21 de Marzo 2009!

En corto: buena pelicula, mucha gente, mucha comida y mojitos por supuesto!

Y quien quiere organisar el proximo 21?

Hasta luego,


Here come the details about our march 21st activity:

1) La pelicula:
18:00 en cine floridablanca
(18:20 "abrazos rotos").
Si quereis, puedo comprar las entrada antes.

2) La cena:
21:00 Restaurante Romesco:

- direccion: C/Sant Pau, 28
- si alguien quiere ir con nosotros, podemos vernos en el metro Liceu,
que esta al lado.

3) Ir para mojitos en gotico/born
Para ellos que solo estan interesado en los mojitos, nos llamais y nos vemos!

Katy took the initiative this month, and to celebrate the entry of spring, we'll have a full afternoon+evening of activities!

The proposal includes:

Cinema - we're planning to see "Los abrazos rotos" by Almodobar
Dinner - somewhere in the center
Mojito Drinking - as explained on

And we know for a fact we'll be having some BEST guests from france this time!!
See you there??

The BCN Alumni


Per si no us heu enterat (no ha sortit al "buscardor" encara, crec), alguns valents exploradors amb cert passat de B-E-S-T van entrar en la jungla en la cerca de la joia més preuada de la nostra època: el Mojito!

Si voleu seguir les aventures, o unir-vos algun cop, visiteu:

Hola gente,

Pare el primer 21 del año propongo Can Margarit!

Para quien no lo conozca: un sitio con "encanto", rollo-viejo, con comida tradicional, donde puedes beber vino mientras esperas al resto del grupo. En 1 página he visto que lo describen como "A genuine old tavern (not a fake one for tourists)" ;)

Día: 21/1/09 Miércoles
Hora: 21:00
Dirección: Concòrdia 21 Poble Sec; Bicing: Poble Sec ...
Después se puede tomar una copa en algún bar cerca.

¿Quién se apunta?


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