Where? Gràcia (bcn) - fontana
When? August 21st, around 22h
Who? BEST Alumni in Barcelona + any BESTie who is around and wants to join us!

If you want to join us, please contact us via barcelona-alumni@BEST
If you have never been to a correfoc yet, you cannot miss it - it's something really crazy and nice :)

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Aprofitant que el 21 és el dia de cloenda de les festes de Gràcia, els alumnis hi anem a viure la festa una mica (malgrat que sóm conscients de que divendres estaràn els pobres decorats més trillats...)

El correfoc, i el castell de focs al final del mateix són la traca final (amb permís dels castells que faran dissabte es clar), i no ens ho volem perdre.

El correfoc surt de la plaça Trilla, passa per les places del Nord, Diamant, Sol i acaba a la Plaça de la Vila. Per tal de trobar menys gent, la idea és quedar entra la plaça del Nord i la del diamant, ja que més avall estarà "abarrotao" .

Qui s'apunti que avisi i ja acabarem de concretar!!
Després, fiestuki amb alguna orquestrilla ...i algún mojito caurà!!

Hi everyone!

If any BESTie comes to Barcelona this week, don't miss the Festes de Gràcia!

According to Lonely Planet "Of all Barcelona’s summer barri street parties, Gràcia’s is the biggest, noisiest and longest (taking place over about nine days). More than a dozen streets in Gràcia are decorated by their inhabitants as part of a competition for the most imaginative street. People pour in to listen to bands in the streets and squares, fuel on snacks and drink at countless street stands."

Really, even we barcelonins love it! It's not just for tourists as many other things that you will find here in summer...

And of course...if you are here, let us know!

It's holiday season - well, we know that for BEST alumni as for BESTies any month is good for travelling - but ok, most people do that in summer!!

Via some alumni of BEST, we discovered tripit
It's a really cool application that allows you to keep the info of all your bookings together - plus it tells you which of your friends is/will be around you during your trips - or who will be visiting you.

It can be integrated in Linkedin, so you can easily track many of your contacts - you'll be surprised to discovered how many of your friends are already using it.

To register a trip, you just forward your confirmation email of the flight, hotel, car, ... - booking, and it puts all the information nicely. It even sends you a reminder few days before so you don't forget to prepare your suitcase!!

Wanna join us on tripit?

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