Today, we got news from BEST Alumni. A blog for the global Alumni community is just born.
Visit it at

From our side, we'll try to contribute from time to time - and are expecting other alumni to share their ideas on how to keep the spirit alive and about anything they want to share!

Blogging is growing, we believe this is a good way to share and communitate easily!! We will try to improve our posting rate, and we hope to get more and more readers and contributers!


I hope you like the new template....

If you have any suggestion or comment, just let me know.



Por ellos que no podrian venir y por ellos que venian: Los fotos del
21 de Marzo 2009!

En corto: buena pelicula, mucha gente, mucha comida y mojitos por supuesto!

Y quien quiere organisar el proximo 21?

Hasta luego,


Here come the details about our march 21st activity:

1) La pelicula:
18:00 en cine floridablanca
(18:20 "abrazos rotos").
Si quereis, puedo comprar las entrada antes.

2) La cena:
21:00 Restaurante Romesco:

- direccion: C/Sant Pau, 28
- si alguien quiere ir con nosotros, podemos vernos en el metro Liceu,
que esta al lado.

3) Ir para mojitos en gotico/born
Para ellos que solo estan interesado en los mojitos, nos llamais y nos vemos!

Katy took the initiative this month, and to celebrate the entry of spring, we'll have a full afternoon+evening of activities!

The proposal includes:

Cinema - we're planning to see "Los abrazos rotos" by Almodobar
Dinner - somewhere in the center
Mojito Drinking - as explained on

And we know for a fact we'll be having some BEST guests from france this time!!
See you there??

The BCN Alumni


Per si no us heu enterat (no ha sortit al "buscardor" encara, crec), alguns valents exploradors amb cert passat de B-E-S-T van entrar en la jungla en la cerca de la joia més preuada de la nostra època: el Mojito!

Si voleu seguir les aventures, o unir-vos algun cop, visiteu:

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